BioBag Brings Integrity to The Home
Date Posted:23 June 2023

Looking for a compostable alternative to plastic bin bags? Tired of not finding environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic products at the shops? Then BioBag should be your first choice as an environmentally sustainable alternative to regular, polyethylene plastic bags. Impressively, these Australian made, home compostable produce bags can be re-used to capture kitchen scraps for composting. Biobag sells a range of products including bin liners, dog poo bags and a range of compostable food storage bags.
It's all in the name…
Even though other plastic bags may label themselves as ‘green and degradable’, naturally degradable’ or ‘bio’, these terms mean nothing unless proven by a performance standard such as Australian Standard AS4736. Only with this certification can the consumer be sure the product will leave no microplastics or toxic residues behind. Biobags are compostable alternatives to plastic bags that break down anywhere oxygen and microorganisms exist, with no toxic or microplastic residues.
A new outlook!
Behaviour change is an important facet that is seen when people start using BioBags. For example, when residents are given Biobags to collect kitchen scraps for food organics and gardens organic (FOMO) bins, they are more likely to divert compostable scraps to these bins. Food that is normally stored for compost in a kitchen bin can often emit odour, while BioBags can mask this smell. When you ask your local grocer to stock BioBags, you will be doing yourself, your community and our environment a great service!
A plastic-free future…
In some great news from the Federal Budget, of the close to $80 million announced for the recycling sector, $67 million will be invested in new food organic and garden organic waste (FOGO) initiatives aimed at diverting organic material from landfill to productive use in agricultural soils. In other fabulous news, South Australia has banned oxo-degradable plastic products from early 2022.
What is an oxo-degradable plastic product? It is made from fossil fuel derived polymers and contains additives to degrade and biodegrade the plastic much faster. It may sound confusing, but basically oxo-degradable plastics basically spread their toxins much quicker in the ground, which is no good for you or the produce you may eat in the future.
The supplier off the Mater-Bi resin BioBags are made from, Novamont, has acquired BioBag International. This means BioBag World Australia is still Australian and remains a joint venture between the Australian manufacturer and BioBag International. All BioBag products made in Adelaide are Australian owned. Now BioBag World Australia is even closer to the world’s leading research development and innovation in plastic alternatives.
The journey of Biobag from use at the grocery store, to ultimate use in the soil of the food you eat is interesting and inspiring. Please see the video, which highlights the BioBag process and its use all over the world. You would hate to see your lovely organic scraps end up in a plastic bag that will poison our environment and wildlife! This video shows how to circumvent the process.
When you buy BioBag products, you are supporting local jobs, local taxes and local services. BioBag products are available on the First Ray at wholesale prices. If you haven't already, simply create a wholesale account to access all of our organic, sustainable and eco-friendly products!